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NextGenK Donator Member
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Minecraft: NextGenK
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Delta Highways 5 months ago

Delta Highways was a group founded by HazMattMC, after the disbandment of Amethyst's Oasis Highways, on 14 September 2021. The group coordinates nether highway expansion on a discord server. They begin by creating a map of existing nether highways making a discord logo and a creating a group banner. Early allies include PaaHoo's Midnight Valor, Laharmo's Cansat Order and WingedHarmony's Nightfall Empire. Prominent highway workers includes badmines, frozentime_m, DervenOmega, HazMatt, Headshot221, Chocodile1990, borsk, nope.exe and Fyrenn.  

HazMatt arrives at the Northwestern (-,-) World Border on 9 January 2022. HazMatt transferred leadership to Miljandro on 17 January. Miljandro changes the name to Delta Infrastructure looks to focus on maintaining highways and restoring the hubs in all three dimensions, also 10k end highways. By September 2022, Miljandro was looking to handover leadership to a successor. NextGen volunteered, gained support and became the third Coordinator on 20 September. Overtime, NextGen revamped the discord with help from TrigTheCat. 

With help from D1cka_D1cka, a reliable supply of obsidian was secured by late December 2022. Delta was able to work on repairing the the three hubs and pave obsidian on highways. In 2023, Delta would be known for repairing and maintianing nether highways following various griefs. With help from CloudDragon29, a second end highway was paved. Two more end highways were paved later that year by NextGen and OFuchs. During 2023 badmines led an effort to build four diagonal nether highways to 50k, a goal eventually achieved with help from NextGen. 

Discord server: https://discord.gg/7VrVcPPBq8




Is Gold OP? 5 months ago